The packages are all unwrapped, the space under the tree is empty, the stockings are folded up on the shelf, and the children just drove away. My heart is so full. My cup runneth over. God has blessed us with precious children and I am so thankful.
I look around and know that some time in the next few days, I'll need to think about packing up all of the Christmas decorations and carefully storing the treasures away until next year. The ornaments made with elementary school hands, school pictures pasted carefully into glass ornaments, dozens of memories that make me smile.
Christmas is such a special time Generosity comes more easily, smiles and greetings shared freely. It seems that, for the most part, the world is a better place around Christmas.
So, where does Christmas live for the rest of the year? In a box in the attic? In the top of a closet? What if we kept Christmas out all year long? O.K. maybe not the tree and maybe not the lights. But what if we just kept the spirit of Christmas out and in plain view all year long? Would people think we were a bit crazy? Perhaps.
But what if we did it anyway? Maybe the words of the greetings change from "Merry
Christmas" to some other encouraging words and perhaps we don't need to have a gift ready for all our friends and family on a particular day. But what if the spirit of Christmas continued in our hearts throughout the coming year? What would be different for you? What would be different for me? For me, I would be more intentional about taking time to be with the ones I love. I would be more open and sensitive to the needs of others around me. I would smile more, lend a hand more, but most importantly, reflect on the sacrifice of my Savior more.
So maybe, just maybe, I won't pack up all of Christmas this year. Maybe this year, I will be intentional about leaving something out of the box, the spirit of love, hope and thanksgiving that makes Christmas special. Care to join me? Let's leave something out!